Are Conservation Houses in Singapore Freehold Properties?

Beyond pieces of history, Singapore’s conservation houses are also smart investments. They come in two types: freehold and leasehold. The freehold ones are more sought after and valuable.

There are three main kinds of these old gems: commercial, residential, and a mix of both.

If you’re not a Singaporean or a Permanent Resident, you can only buy the commercial ones. Foreigners face extra charges, like the Buyer’s Stamp Duty and Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty, depending on the property and their status.

Key Takeaways

  • Conservation houses in Singapore can be either freehold or leasehold properties.
  • Freehold conservation houses are highly sought-after due to their scarcity and long-term value retention.
  • Residential and mixed-use conservation houses can only be purchased by Singaporeans and Permanent Residents (PR).
  • Buyers of conservation houses with residential components may be subject to additional stamp duties like BSD and ABSD.
  • Conservation houses are subject to strict regulations and guidelines set by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) to preserve their heritage character.

Understanding Conservation Houses in Singapore

In Singapore, some buildings are very special. They are known as conservation houses. The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) says these buildings are important because of their design, history, and culture. There are different types, like shophouses and terrace houses.

Definition of Conservation Houses

Most of the conserved buildings in Singapore are traditional shophouses. They were built from the early 1800s to the mid-1900s. At first, these buildings had shops on the lower floor and homes above. Now, they serve many different purposes. Like offices, hotels, restaurants, and a few are still homes.

But, no one can tear these buildings down or fully change them. Any work done must keep their historic charm. The URA makes sure these buildings are looked after carefully.

Types of Conservation Houses

In Singapore, there are many kinds of conservation houses. You can find shophouses, terrace houses, and bungalows. They can be used for living, working, or both. This gives lots of options for people who might want to buy or invest in them.

Significance of Conservation Houses

The historic homes singapore are very important. They connect us to the past. Terace houses singapore and shophouses singapore show the history and beauty of Singapore. They help us see what life was like before.

By keeping the bungalows singapore safe, we learn about our history. It makes us respect Singapore even more. We understand where we come from. These special places are our link to the past.

Ownership and Regulations for Conservation Houses

Owning and regulating conservation houses in Singapore have some important rules. Only conservation houses with residential parts can be bought by Singaporeans and PRs. This is because of the Residential Property Act managed by the Singapore Land Authority (SLA).

Ownership Restrictions for Residential Components

For PRs to buy a residential conservation house, they need to have PR status for 5 years. They must also get approval from the Land Dealings Approval Unit (LDAU).

Stamp Duties for Conservation House Purchases

When buying conservation houses with residential parts, you’ll pay more than just the usual Buyer’s Stamp Duty (BSD). You might face the Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) too, based on your nationality and other properties you own. For PRs, this could mean an ABSD of up to 35% on the 3rd property they buy.

Regulations and Guidelines for Conservation Houses

Conservation houses must follow rules from the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA). These rules say any changes to the houses must keep their original design and heritage features.

are conservation houses in sg freehold

Conservation houses in Singapore can be either freehold or leasehold. Freehold properties are popular because you own them forever and they usually go up in value. They show off Singapore’s unique architecture and bring a historic vibe to the country.

Freehold vs Leasehold Conservation Houses

Freehold houses are more desired. But, some may have leases that are getting shorter. This can make it hard for buyers to get good loans. It affects how valuable the property is over time and how easy it is to sell.

Considerations for Leasehold Conservation Houses

For leasehold houses, knowing how long the lease is left is key. A short lease can lower the property’s worth and slow down selling. It makes getting a loan harder. Buyers must think about the property’s historical value and the practical side of its lease to see if it fits their investment plans.

Investment Potential of Conservation Houses

In Singapore, conservation houses make great investments. They’re prized for their prime spots, rarity, and history. Found in bustling areas, they appeal to renters and businesses alike. The return on investment is usually high, from 2-3.5% based on how long the property can be used.

Prime Locations and Limited Supply

Singapore has few lands and old homes, making these houses even more desirable. These special homes are in well-loved spots, giving investors a chance to own a piece of historic real estate.

Rental Demand and Yield Potential

Because they are in great areas and hard to find, these houses are always in demand for rent. They can be used for different businesses or as homes. This can bring in good profits, usually 2% to 3.5%, from what tenants pay.

Capital Appreciation and Value Appreciation

These houses also grow in value over the years. Their unique looks and great locations make sure they are always wanted. This means the house could be worth more if you sell it later.

Yet, buying a conservation house comes with other things to think about. You must follow certain rules for fixing the house. These rules are set by the URA. This is something you need to think about before deciding to buy.


Conservation houses in Singapore offer a special way to invest. They connect the country’s history with the chance for profit. Even though there are more rules to follow, these properties are appealing. They are especially popular if they’re freehold. Investors need to look closely at a conservation house’s details. This includes its ownership type, where it is, and any extra taxes. This helps them choose wisely based on their investment goals.

The scene of conservation property Singapore mixes history with a smart investment. These heritage homes Singapore and historic homes Singapore are more than just buildings. They showcase Singapore’s design history. For those looking at landed property Singapore, buildings like terrace houses Singapore, shophouses Singapore, and bungalows Singapore in the freehold category offer a great chance. You get to own a part of Singapore’s past. Plus, you might see your investment grow over time or earn rental money.

Choosing to invest in a freehold property Singapore conservation house is a big deal. It calls for detailed review of these special properties’ features, rules, and money matters. Getting the hang of conservation houses in Singapore helps investors act smart. They make choices that fit their investment dreams and liking for unique real estate.


Are conservation houses in Singapore freehold properties?

Conservation houses in Singapore can be freehold or leasehold. Freehold ones are very precious and worth a lot more.

What are the different types of conservation houses in Singapore?

In Singapore, you can find three kinds of conservation houses. There are commercial, residential, and mixed-use shophouses.

Who can purchase conservation houses with residential components in Singapore?

Only Singaporeans and Permanent Residents (PR) can buy residential and mixed-use conservation houses.

What additional stamp duties may apply for buyers of conservation houses with residential components?

Buyers face extra stamp duties for houses with residential parts. This includes the Buyer’s Stamp Duty (BSD) and Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD).

What are the key considerations for buyers of leasehold conservation houses?

When buying leasehold conservation houses, the lease tenure is crucial. It affects investment value and funding options.

What makes conservation houses in Singapore attractive investments?

These houses are great for investment because of their top spots, rare numbers, historic charm, and promise for value growth.