Can PR Buy House in SG and Overseas? A Complete Guide

Being a permanent resident (PR) in Singapore means facing complex rules on owning property. Can you, a PR, get a home in Singapore or overseas? Our thorough guide will cover all you need to know. It talks about how to qualify, the rules, and how to appeal to own a home in Singapore and elsewhere.

Source one tells us that in Singapore, houses are mainly for citizens. This means a Singapore PR cannot buy a house directly. But, they can ask the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) for permission, especially if they have done a lot for the country. The info also says that if a single PR wants to buy an HDB flat, they can’t do it alone. They need to be married to a Singapore citizen to buy a flat.

Key Takeaways

  • Singapore PRs are generally not eligible to directly purchase landed properties or HDB flats on their own.
  • PRs may be able to appeal to the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) to own a house under certain exceptional circumstances.
  • The only way for a single PR to buy an HDB flat is if they are married to a Singapore citizen.
  • Permanent residency requirements, property ownership regulations, and cross-border real estate transactions are crucial considerations for PRs.
  • Global property portfolio diversification and international home financing options are important factors for PR homebuyers.

Eligibility for PRs to Purchase HDB Flats in Singapore

Singapore’s permanent residents (PRs) face certain rules to buy Housing Development Board (HDB) flats. A single PR can buy an HDB flat if married to a citizen. Also, a PR needs at least three years of residence in Singapore to buy an HDB resale flat.

Requirements for PR Couples to Buy HDB Flat

If a PR is married to a citizen or another PR, they can acquire an HDB flat directly. This rule makes sure that PR couples are secure and meet ownership qualifications.

Housing Grants Available for PRs

Many housing grants are offered to PRs buying a resale flat for the first time, with a citizen or another PR. These grants include the Family Grant, Enhanced CPF Housing Grant, Proximity Housing Grant, and Citizen Top-Up. Yet, each grant has its own rules. PRs must check if they are eligible.

Regulations on Owning Private Property for PRs

Being a Singapore permanent resident (PR) means dealing with complex property rules. If Singapore PRs own an HDB flat and completed the Minimum Occupation Period (MOP), a rule kicks in. They must sell their flat within 6 months if they buy a private home, here or overseas.

Rules for PR HDB Owners Buying Private Property

The third source lays out what happens when PRs with HDB flats buy private places. They must sell any private homes within 6 months of getting a new HDB flat. This keeps PRs focused on living in Singapore, in line with local housing aims.

Time Limits for Disposing of HDB Flat After Buying Private Property

Wanting a private place as a PR HDB owner means you have to act fast. You must sell your HDB flat within 6 months of the purchase, in or out of Singapore. This rule balances the use of public and private homes in the city.

Can PR Buy House in SG and Overseas?

If you’re a permanent resident (PR) in Singapore, you must know about property purchase rules. This is true for homes in Singapore and overseas. Let’s dig into this topic a bit.

Minimum Occupation Period for HDB Flat Owners

HDB flat owners, even if they are PRs, have some rules to follow. They need to live in their flat for at least five years before selling. This is the same rule whether they want to rent out the flat or buy private property. It counts from the day the flat became theirs.

Restrictions on Using CPF for Overseas Property

The same rules say CPF savings can’t be used for properties outside Singapore. So, PR HDB owners can’t use CPF for these purchases. They must have more cash handy for overseas properties.

Financing Options for Overseas Properties

For PR HDB owners eyeing homes abroad, there are loan options. They can get a loan from a local bank or one in the foreign country. But, not all local banks do this type of loan. The loan you can get, called loan-to-value, might be 50% to 80%.

HDB’s Appeal Process for Retaining Overseas Property

A Singaporean PR couple shared their journey with the Housing and Development Board (HDB). They sought to keep their overseas property and buy an HDB flat. To support their appeal, the couple handed in detailed paperwork. This included their incomes, CPF details, and findings from CPF’s Our First Home Calculator. They aimed to prove they couldn’t afford private housing in Singapore. Their goal was to show that an HDB flat fit their financial plans better.

Documenting Affordability for Private Housing

The couple knew showing their financial situation was key. They gave HDB a deep look into their finances with salary info and CPF contributions. The CPF’s affordability tool was also used to illustrate their point. This approach helped them make the case for choosing an HDB flat.

Justifying Reasons for Keeping Overseas Property

Proving the overseas property couldn’t be quickly sold was another challenge the couple faced. Yet, they came prepared with family members’ identity proof. This showed the property was vital for their family and not easily let go.

Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) Considerations

ABSD Rates for Singaporeans and PRs

Recent cooling measures mean Singaporeans pay more ABSD on their second home, now 12%. This rate is up from the previous 7%. For PRs, buying a second home sees ABSD rise to 15% from 10%.

Exclusion of Overseas Properties from ABSD Count

The good news is that buying a home outside Singapore won’t increase ABSD. This is a relief for PR HDB owners who also have homes overseas.

Case Study: Appealing to HDB to Buy Flat While Owning Overseas Property

The third source talks about a Singaporean PR couple’s journey. They appealed to HDB to buy an HDB flat while owning a property in Malaysia. They successfully showed their finances and the need to keep their overseas home.

The couple had to prove they could afford a house in Singapore. They showed their salaries, CPF records, and used the Our First Home Calculator. This tool showed that an HDB flat met their family’s needs well.

They also explained why they needed to keep the Malaysia property. They shared documents of family living there and why selling it was tough. HDB agreed with them after seeing their strong documents. So, they could buy an HDB flat and keep their overseas property.

The couple’s story teaches us the importance of knowing HDB’s rules well. It also shows we must provide full documents to support any special requests. With strong effort and evidence, they reached their goal of owning both. They got an HDB flat in Singapore and kept their property overseas.

Tax Implications of Overseas Property Ownership

If you’re a Singapore PR with a home in Singapore and one overseas, you need to know about your taxes. There’s a lot to consider. Different places might be taxed in different ways.

It comes down to where your other property is. If it’s in a country that’s friendly with Singapore tax-wise, you might get benefits. This could mean you don’t get taxed twice for the same thing.

But, if it’s in a place without such agreements, you might pay more in taxes. Imagine having to pay taxes in two countries. This could really hurt your profits.

Getting advice from tax experts or financial advisors is smart. They can help you navigate these tricky tax issues. Doing so can save you money and hassle in the long run.


In conclusion, the path for Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs) to buy properties can be tricky. Understanding the rules and restrictions is key. This guide showed how PRs have specific obstacles when buying houses, apartments, or land in Singapore or elsewhere.

For PRs owning HDB flats, it’s crucial to remember several things. Things like how long you must live in it, limits on using CPF savings for homes outside Singapore, and the need to ask for permission to keep foreign properties. It’s also vital to know about changing taxes to avoid money problems.

Keeping good records, explaining why you need to keep foreign properties, and following the rules can help PR HDB owners a lot. They can move smoothly through Singapore’s and other countries’ real estate markets. This article aimed to give a clear look at what PR HDB owners should consider. It wants to help them make smart choices and feel more sure about investing in property.


Can a Singapore permanent resident (PR) buy a house in Singapore?

Houses in Singapore, known as landed properties, are only for Singapore citizens. Singapore PRs can’t buy them directly. They might be able to own one by special exemption. This includes making big contributions to Singapore.

Can a single Singapore PR buy an HDB flat directly?

If you’re a single Singapore PR, you can’t buy an HDB flat. However, you can if you get married to a citizen.

What are the requirements for a Singapore PR to buy an HDB resale flat?

PRs need to have lived in Singapore for three years to buy an HDB resale flat. They must also be married to a citizen or another PR.

What housing grants are available to Singapore PRs buying a resale HDB flat?

Several grants are available for Singapore PRs buying their first home with a citizen or PR. These include the Family Grant and more. Each grant has its own rules.

What are the rules for Singapore PR HDB flat owners who own a private property, either locally or overseas?

If Singapore PRs own an HDB flat and private property locally or overseas, they must sell the HDB within 6 months after the ownership of the private property. This is after meeting the HDB flat’s Minimum Occupation Period.

What is the Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) for HDB flat owners?

Ownership of an HDB flat requires a 5-year minimum stay before selling, renting out, or buying another property. This rule applies to new and resale flats, starting from the date they are owned.

Can Singapore PR HDB owners use their CPF savings to buy properties overseas?

CPF savings can only fund property purchases in Singapore. So, PR HDB owners need more money up front for overseas properties, as CPF can’t be used.

What are the financing options for Singapore PR HDB owners who want to invest in overseas properties?

To buy overseas, PR HDB owners can take loans from local or foreign banks. Not all local banks offer these loans. The loan-to-value ratios could be between 50% and 80% depending on each bank and country.

How can a Singapore PR appeal to HDB to retain their overseas property while purchasing an HDB flat?

A PR couple’s successful HDB appeal included documentation like pay slips and CPF statements. They also used the CPF Home Calculator. Plus, they showed family ID from the overseas property to prove their case.

How does the Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) affect Singapore PRs buying residential properties?

New property cooling measures mean Singaporeans pay a higher ABSD when buying a second property. This is also true for PRs, with their ABSD raised to 15% for a second property. But, properties overseas don’t count towards this tax for PR HDB owners.