How Much Deposit to Buy a House in Singapore – Guide

Buying a house in Singapore involves looking at many factors. These include the type of home, rules to follow, if you can afford it, and where it’s located. Luckily, Singapore’s government offers lots of help like the CPF housing grant. This is why almost 9 out of 10 people in Singapore own their homes as of 2020.

It’s important for those thinking of buying a home to know the costs upfront. This includes how much cash you need and the down payment for a home loan. This guide will give you a full look at these costs and what to expect when buying a house in Singapore.

Key Takeaways

  • Singapore has a high homeownership rate of 87.9% due to extensive government policies and financial assistance programs.
  • Understanding the upfront costs, cash required, and down payment requirements is essential for homebuyers in Singapore.
  • The type of property, eligibility criteria, and buyer’s citizenship status can significantly impact the downpayment for home purchase and other upfront expenses.
  • Additional costs like the Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) and Buyer’s Stamp Duty (BSD) must be factored into the home buying cash outlay.
  • Careful financial planning and consideration of all upfront costs buying property in Singapore are crucial for a successful home purchase.

Introduction to Home Buying in Singapore

In Singapore, you have many options when buying a home. You can choose from properties managed by the Housing Development Board (HDB) to private ones. It’s important to know the differences between these types. This will help you decide what’s best for you.

Types of Residential Properties

HDB flats are the main type of public housing. They are for Singapore citizens and permanent residents. Unfortunately, foreigners can’t buy HDB flats.

Home Ownership Rate and Government Policies

As of 2020, 87.9% of people in Singapore own their homes. This high number comes thanks to government policies and support. There are many help programs for those aiming to buy homes.

The government’s efforts have made homes more affordable for everyone. Its actions show that having a home is important, regardless of income. These efforts have led to more people owning homes in Singapore.

Eligibility Criteria for Purchasing Properties

When you want to buy a house in Singapore, you need to meet certain criteria based on the property type. We’ll dive into what’s required for each kind of property.

Public Housing (HDB)

To buy a unit from the Housing Development Board (HDB) in Singapore, at least one buyer should be a citizen or a permanent resident. The HDB has different schemes, which vary depending on citizenship, family status, and age.

Executive Condominiums (ECs)

Eligibility for executive condominiums (ECs) depends on the EC’s stage. New ECs can be bought by SC+SC or SC+PR couples. After being lived in for 5 years (MOP), resale ECs can be bought by SCs and PRs, even if they are not a couple. After 10 years, fully privatized ECs allow SCs, PRs, and foreigners to purchase.

Private Properties

In Singapore, private properties like condos and houses are open for purchase to SCs, PRs, and foreigners, with a few exceptions. However, foreigners must get special permission to own landed properties.

Age Requirements for Home Buying

In Singapore, the age to purchase property changes with the type of unit. Generally, you must be 21 years old to buy a home. But, there are some special cases.

For public housing from the HDB, buyers need to be 21. However, if you are single (not married, divorced, or orphaned), you must be 35. For private properties, the age remains 21. Those younger than 21 can buy through a trust.

Property TypeMinimum Age Requirement
Public Housing (HDB)21 years old, except for singles who must be at least 35 years old
Private Properties21 years old, with the option to purchase through a trust for those under 21

Knowing these age requirements is vital for anyone looking to buy a home in Singapore. It helps in planning for a smooth property purchase.

Home Purchase Schemes and Grants

Singapore has many schemes and grants to help people buy their dream homes. These are for citizens and permanent residents. You can use them to buy HDB flats or executive condominiums.

Schemes for Public Housing (HDB)

HDB in Singapore has different schemes for buying flats. There’s the Public Scheme and more for different family situations. Each scheme needs certain things, like citizenship and family status.

Schemes for Executive Condominiums (ECs)

For ECs, there are special schemes for buying new ones. You might use the Public Scheme or others, depending on your situation. But, for resale or fully private ECs, there are no set schemes to follow.

CPF Housing Grants

The CPF also gives out grants to help you buy a home. You can get the Family Grant, Enhanced HDF Housing Grant, and more. The grants you get depend on your income and the scheme you choose.

Mortgage Loan and Upfront Costs

It’s important to know how much loan you can get and the costs you’ll have. Homebuyers need to think about monthly payments, additional costs, and money you need to pay at the start.

Loan-to-Value (LTV) and Minimum Cash Downpayment

For buying property, the LTV and number of loans you have matter. For your first property with a 75% LTV, you need 5% down. But for more properties or higher LTVs, it’s 25% down.

Additional Costs and Duties

Buying a home in Singapore means you have to factor in the Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) and the Buyer’s Stamp Duty (BSD).

Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD)

When you purchase a property in Singapore, you’ll face the substantial Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD). The rate depends on if you’re a citizen, and how many properties you own. First-time Singaporean buyers are exempt from the additional buyer’s stamp duty singapore. But, the rates go up if you’re buying your second property or more. Permanent residents and foreigners pay even more absd rates for home purchase singapore.

Buyer’s Stamp Duty (BSD)

On top of the ABSD, all Singapore home buyers, no matter their nationality, have to pay the buyer’s stamp duty singapore. This duty is based on the property’s purchase price or its market value. The bsd rates for home purchase singapore can be from 1% to 6%, depending on the value of the property.


Buying a home in Singapore means dealing with many details. These include property types and eligibility criteria. You also need to know about age limits, purchase schemes, grants, and mortgage loans. The costs at the start can vary a lot. This depends on whether you already own a property and your citizenship. It’s crucial to research everything well before you buy.

To buy a home in Singapore, start by understanding the different property types. You must also meet certain criteria for each type. Look into government schemes and grants that can make buying easier. Don’t forget to calculate all initial costs. These include the stamp duties and how much you need for a mortgage. Planning ahead is key to a smooth purchase.

Understanding the Singapore property market is essential. It helps buyers feel more secure and make smart choices. Keep informed about the latest market trends and government rules. This way, you can take full advantage of what Singapore’s real estate scene offers.


What are the different types of residential properties available in Singapore?

In Singapore, you’ll find public housing managed by the HDB. These are for sale to Singapore citizens and permanent residents. There are also private properties like condos and landed houses. These are available for anyone to buy, including foreigners, in most cases.

What is the homeownership rate in Singapore?

News reports state that in 2020, 87.9% of people in Singapore owned their homes. This high percentage shows many are able to buy a house. The government helps a lot, making home buying possible for most people.

What are the eligibility criteria for purchasing different types of properties in Singapore?

To buy HDB housing, one buyer must be a citizen or a PR. Different schemes are available, considering family status and age, for example.

For ECs, only SC+SC or SC+PR couples can buy new ones. But singles or mixed citizenship groups can buy resale and private ECs. For private homes, there are fewer restrictions. However, foreigners need approval to buy landed homes.

What are the minimum age requirements for purchasing properties in Singapore?

The age requirement for HDB homes is 21, unless you’re buying as a single. Then, you must be 35. This also applies to private properties. But buying through a trust is an option for those under 21.

What are the different home purchase schemes and grants available in Singapore?

Singapore offers many purchase schemes, like the Public Scheme or Single Citizen Scheme. EC buyers need to meet certain criteria. There are also various CPF grants available, depending on the HDB scheme and your income.

What are the key upfront costs and cash requirements when buying a property in Singapore?

The first cost is the downpayment, which starts at 5%. It goes up to 25% for later properties or with higher loans. You must also pay the ABSD and BSD. These taxes depend on if you’ve owned a property before and the property’s price.